"Neposedy invite friends" present:
"DANCE EXPRESS" is the new name of the unique choreography festival and competition "Neposedy Invite Friends," where we...
Create a sphere for creative communication, exchange of experiences, and encouragement of creative exploration for the leaders of choreographic groups and choreographers.
Develop knowledge about choreographic genres and the professional skills of choreographers and dancers.
Introduce guests to the culture of Estonia and the traditions of Estonian choreography.
Strengthen intercultural creative dialogue.
Festival-competition organizer: Dance group "Neposedy" (MTÜ Tantsuansambel Neposedõ), Tallinn, Estonia
Dates: 1st-3rd December , 2023
Venue: Vene Kultuurikeskus (Mere pst. 5)
Rules 2023
Strage dance
Contemporary dance
Folk dance
Folk-stylized dance
Show dance
Street dance
Age category:
7-10 years old
11-14 years old
15-19 years old
20 years old and older
Big group (6 people or more) - duration up to 4 minutes
Small group (3-5 people) - duration up to 4 minutes
Duet - duration up to 3 minutes 30 seconds
Solo - duration up to 3 minutes 30 seconds
classical dance
Age category:
Up to 11 years old
11-13 years old
14-15 years old
16-18 years old
Small group (3-5 people) - duration up to 3 minutes
Duet - duration up to 2 minutes 30 seconds
Solo - duration up to 2 minutes 30 seconds
kids dance
Age category:
Up to 7 years old (incl.)
Big group (6 people or more) - duration up to 3 minutes
Small group (3-5 people) - duration up to 3 minutes
kids dance - dance constructed in a narrative and playful form, with vocabulary suitable for the performers' age.
contemporary dance - jazz-modern, modern, contemporary.
stage dance - a dance that synthesizes different styles, characterized by theatricality and a clear storyline.
folk dance - based on ethnography, folklore, and folk stage adaptation with a deep knowledge of national heritage; music is folk music with various arrangements and adaptations.
folk-stylized - performances based on the transformation of world folk dance.
show dance - dance where the main components are spectacle, vividness, mass participation, technique, and tricks.
street dance - dance that can consist of one or several street styles; synchronization, a sense of style and rhythm, and showmanship are important.
classical dance.
The number of dances from one group is not limited.
In the registered age group, no more than 20% of participants from the older age category are allowed in this dance. The number of participants from the younger age category is not limited.
The organizer has the right to verify the age of participants in case of questions from the jury members.
For each dance, the choreographer must be specified. Performing someone else's choreography without the author's permission is not allowed.
Performing choreography by world-renowned choreographers is allowed in the genres of "classical dance" and "folk dance" with attribution to the original author.
Evaluation and awarding

Golden GRAND-PRIX - 400 euros
Awarded based on competition performances to the group that has received the highest total score for their best three dances among all groups.
Silver GRAND-PRIX - 300 euros
Awarded based on competition performances to the group that has received the second-highest total score for their best three dances among all groups.
Bronze GRAND-PRIX - 200 euros
Awarded based on competition performances to the group that has received the third-highest total score for their best three dances among all groups.
Please note! Dances eligible for Grand Prix must be presented in different categories and age groups (they must differ in either nomination or age). If you have multiple numbers in the same genre and age category, the dance with the highest total score is selected.
ELIGIBLE for Grand Prix: "kids dance, up to 7", "folk dance, 11-14 years old", "folk dance, 7-10 years old"
NOT ELIGIBLE for Grand Prix: "stage dance, 7-10 years old", "stage dance, 7-10 years old", "contemporary dance, 11-14 years old" because one category (one age and nomination) is repeated twice.
1st-3rd place, 4th-6th place, diploma for participation
Based on the scores received in each "nomination," the 1st to 3rd place winners (the podium places) are awarded with a diploma and a trophy.
Participants who rank 4th to 6th are awarded with a diploma.
Participants ranking below 6th receive a participation diploma without a specified place.
The awards ceremony in each category takes place after the judges' scores are counted on the day of the performance on stage according to the schedule.
Please note!
1st to 3rd places may not be awarded if there were fewer than 6 dances in a category and the dances received fewer points than the minimum required for prize placement.
Each place is awarded to a single performance. Multiple participants may share one place only in the case of tied scores.
In the "kids dance" nomination, performances that do not reach the podium are recognized with special consolation awards to encourage young dancers at the beginning of their dance journey.
Organizers have the discretion to award additional prizes and special awards.
Assessment criteria:
Compliance of the performance with the declared category and the age of the performers
Music and costumes
Emotion and artistry
The awarding of prizes and titles in the competition program is based on the scores given by the jury members to each competition performance.
Participation fee
Participation fee
Big group: 12 euros per dancer for the first dance, 8 euros per dancer for each next dance in which the same participant is involved.
Small group: 15 euros per dancer for each dance (separately for each dance).
Duet: 15 euros per dancer.
Solo: 20 euros per dancer.
To inquire about the cost, please contact us via email at neposedo.festival@gmail.com.
Accommodation in a hotel and catering options are available as well.
The basis for a dance's participation in the competition is the timely payment of the participation fee. If the invoice is not paid on time, and no additional agreement is reached with the organizers, the dance will be removed from the competition.
If a participant cannot take part in the performance and notifies the organizers less than 3 days before the start of the festival, the participation fee will not be refunded. In this case, the participant will receive the designated gifts.
The performance music must be sent to the email address neposedo.festival.music@gmail.com no later than November 25, 2023. Each file should be named "Group Name_Dance Name".
You should also have the music with you on CDs or flash drives. In case of any issues or unsuccessful email submissions, the organizerts director will ask you to provide the music at the festival.
For the pre-registration of a dance studio to participate in the festival, you need to fill out the form: https://forms.gle/q96aTXB8RqScJzbN6
Pre-registration is open from September 20 to November 1, 2023.
After receiving the application from the studio, you will be sent a link to fill out the competition program table and the list of participants.
Information about the number of competition performances from the studio, as well as their name, genre, and age, must be filled out no later than November 10th.
The table will be closed for filling on November 20, 2023. By that date, information about the dances and participant lists must be completed.
Based on the table, an invoice for participation is sent to the studio, the age of the participants is verified, and information is entered into the diplomas.